
My name is Sherril Jennings and I am a New Zealand artist. My art doesn't fit neatly in a box. I'm not an oil painter, I'm not a knitter and I'm not a sculpturist yet I do a little of all of those things, creating where the inspiration takes me, feeling my way as I go. Most of the time there is no overall plan, the one exception to that being the 500 dolls for the Ladies A Plate collection.

I have exhibited my artwork in my hometown of Hawke's Bay, as well as further afield at a lovely gallery in Auckland called Object Space. In 2016, I created a follow up to the Ladies A Plate specifically for an international art exhibition that travelled London, Dublin and Edinburgh. This has been my first international showing (but not my last!).

I'm currently not taking any commission works as I have a couple of projects on the go (as always) which I hope to share with you as soon as they're in a state I feel ready to share. 

twitter @kaurimind

email sherrilsta@gmail.com

phone +64 210 508 154